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The Club of Chartered Accountants and Finance & Market Experts (C.E.F.&M.) is an association of qualified professionals set up in Milan in September 2010 following the participation of twenty chartered accountants (from twenty different firms) in a specialisation course on the stock market listing process organised by Borsa Italiana S.p.a. in collaboration with the Italian National Council of Chartered Accountants.

One of the Club’s core objectives is to create an expert and professional national network of accountants offering specialised advisory services for stock market listing procedures, M&As and all other extraordinary financial operations; the Club also aims to promote the diffusion of venture capital culture within the business community and among professionals assisting SMEs, informing companies of potential financing opportunities on the national and international capital markets.

Studio Omnia partner Franco Bertoletti has participated in the initiative of Gotha Advisory Spa, a finance and markets specialist, equity partner of Borsa Italiana and ELITE Partner, since its incorporation.

Gotha Advisory S.p.A. is the first Italian organisation open exclusively to chartered accountants specialised in finance & markets, which brings together some 26 professional organisations with offices in Milan, Crema, Lecco, Brescia, Turin, Genoa, Reggio Emilia, Florence, Ancona and Rome.

Gotha was created by combining consolidated professional practices that have opted to offer their experience and skills in an integrated manner through an offering of high value-added advisory services throughout Italy, and its strategic goal is to build its reputation as a specialised and innovative supplier of professional services oriented toward the growth of SMEs by means of stock market listing, opening of share capital to private equity funds and other professional investors, and M&A operations.

Gotha Advisory Spa is also a Partner of Borsa Italiana’s Elite Project for managerial development, which involves several top European companies.


Legal practice Studio Legale Ardito, with headquarters in Milan, incorporated in 1981 by lawyer Mauro Ardito (partner of AGI – Italian association of labour law experts), specialises in privacy, banking law, labour law, contract management, family law, company law and commercial law.

The practice operates nationwide in Italy and on the main foreign markets, offering comprehensive support in Italian, English and German.

Professionalism, thirty-years’ experience in the field, clarity and attention in client relations all combine to make Studio Legale Ardito a solid point of reference for problems in the areas of labour relations, banking law, company law, contract management and industrial property.

Thanks to their ongoing collaboration with the lawyers from Studio Legale Ardito, Omnia partners Mauro Ardito and Iacopo Ardito can provide expert legal assistance to meet the needs of companies, banks, and individuals.